top menu leading to a sub menu on the sidebar
(too old to reply)
2007-03-24 09:16:24 UTC
I am wondering if this is possible with fireworks, I am planning on having a
fireworks png image map at the top of my page, and those image maps, lead to
a submenu on the sidebar, I am wondering if the only way to do this is via
frames/javascript, can this be done purely on fireworks alone, would anyone
have a tutorial on an example of this?

J.O. Aho
2007-03-24 10:07:55 UTC
Post by Nospam
I am wondering if this is possible with fireworks, I am planning on having a
fireworks png image map at the top of my page, and those image maps, lead to
a submenu on the sidebar, I am wondering if the only way to do this is via
frames/javascript, can this be done purely on fireworks alone, would anyone
have a tutorial on an example of this?
Not sure what you mean with fireworks, but you can use hidden divs and a bit
of javascript to make the dives visible when you click on the image.
2007-03-24 10:27:53 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
I am wondering if this is possible with fireworks, I am planning on having a
fireworks png image map at the top of my page, and those image maps, lead to
a submenu on the sidebar, I am wondering if the only way to do this is via
frames/javascript, can this be done purely on fireworks alone, would anyone
have a tutorial on an example of this?
Not sure what you mean with fireworks, but you can use hidden divs and a bit
of javascript to make the dives visible when you click on the image.
Would you have a tutorial example of how this is done?

Basically what I am trying to do is have a menu image map, containing four
menus in the header of my page, each of these when clicked will expand the
menus in the sidebar, and those menus in the sidebar when clicked will show
in the main content, i.e my page is seperated with a header, sidebar, main
content, and footer, is there any other way of doing this other than with
javascript? Would you have an example tutorial on how this is done
with/without javascript?

J.O. Aho
2007-03-24 10:45:47 UTC
Post by Nospam
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
I am wondering if this is possible with fireworks, I am planning on
having a
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
fireworks png image map at the top of my page, and those image maps,
lead to
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
a submenu on the sidebar, I am wondering if the only way to do this is
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
frames/javascript, can this be done purely on fireworks alone, would
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
have a tutorial on an example of this?
Not sure what you mean with fireworks, but you can use hidden divs and a
Post by J.O. Aho
of javascript to make the dives visible when you click on the image.
Would you have a tutorial example of how this is done?
Sorry no tutorial, but I can make a hasty description with broken English.
Post by Nospam
Basically what I am trying to do is have a menu image map, containing four
menus in the header of my page, each of these when clicked will expand the
menus in the sidebar, and those menus in the sidebar when clicked will show
in the main content, i.e my page is seperated with a header, sidebar, main
content, and footer, is there any other way of doing this other than with
javascript? Would you have an example tutorial on how this is done
with/without javascript?
I assume you are somewhat familiar with CSS and how to place out div-elements
on places where you want them to be.

Here is a crude example, I have selected to use an anchor to open/close the
div-element, but you can use any element that accepts the onclick-event.

Each div-element have to have their unique id and the showdiv() function has
to be called with the id-name (try to avoid names that are reserved words in
javascript, like form). If the div is visible, then it will be closed if the
link is pressed on.

In this example you must have the style="display: none;" set in the div
element, you can't move it to the CSS file, as then the script won't work.

--- testpage.html ---

<script type="text/javascript">
function showdiv(id) {
el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el.style.display == 'none') {
el.style.display = '';
el = document.getElementById('_' + id);
} else {
el.style.display = 'none';
el = document.getElementById('_' + id);

<a href="http://www.example.net/index.php" title="My SubMenu 1"
onclick="javascript:showdiv('myhiddendiv1');return false;">Link to open the
<a href="http://www.example.net/index.php" title="My SubMenu 1"
onclick="javascript:showdiv('myhiddendiv2');return false;">Link to open the
other submenu</a>
<div id="myhiddendiv1" style="z-index: 0; display: none;">
Here you have what you want in the submenu
<div id="myhiddendiv2" style="z-index: 0; display: none;">
Here you have what you want in the other Submenu
--- eof ---

I hope you will get this to work as you want.
2007-03-24 14:59:13 UTC
Post by Nospam
Basically what I am trying to do is have a menu image map, containing four
menus in the header of my page, each of these when clicked will expand the
menus in the sidebar, and those menus in the sidebar when clicked will show
in the main content,
Since you asked about doing this in Fireworks, I can only assume you
drew up a graphic design in FW, now you want to set some hot spots,
slice it up and let FW make a web site out of it. Very bad idea.

Image maps for navigation generally stink. Slicing up images and
splicing them back together in HTML stink more. The HTML code generated
from graphics programs stinks even more than that.

If you're going to do it, you should learn how to do it right, or at
least how to not do it so badly. That means learning some HTML and CSS
yourself and not just relying on some program to do it for you. Most do
a lousy job of it.

Here is a decent online tutorial, though you should stick with HTML 4.01
Strict instead of XHTML.

Here are some templates you can use/study to see how to do CSS layouts.

And navigation menus.
Jonathan N. Little
2007-03-24 12:55:45 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nospam
I am wondering if this is possible with fireworks, I am planning on having a
fireworks png image map at the top of my page, and those image maps, lead to
a submenu on the sidebar, I am wondering if the only way to do this is via
frames/javascript, can this be done purely on fireworks alone, would anyone
have a tutorial on an example of this?
Not sure what you mean with fireworks, but you can use hidden divs and a bit
of javascript to make the dives visible when you click on the image.
Fireworks appears to be this Macromedia (now Adobe) program that kind of
uses wizard to hack together images and generated HTML, CSS and
JavaScript to make image maps or rollovers that the newbie can cut and
paste into their web pages. CorelDraw as some "make web button" and
"publish to web" features that makes atrocious markup and code. I assume
Firework does the same. Take a gander at some Adobe GoLive generated
site to see such image-slice mania...
Take care,
